Amber Husain is a writer based in South London, UK.
She is the author of Replace Me (Peninsula Press, 2021), Meat Love (Mack, 2023), and Tell Me How You Eat, forthcoming from Hutchinson Heinemann (UK) and Atria Books (USA). Her essays on politics, literature and art have been published in Granta, the LRB, New Left Review, The White Review, Baffler, The Believer, LA Review of Books and New York Times Magazine.
Her books have been featured or reviewed in the national and international press, including The Guardian, la Repubblica and ABC Australia. Events include readings and discussions at the London Review Bookshop, the ICA London, and Edinburgh International Book Festival.
She has a PhD from UCL in the history of art and mind-body medicine in late-twentieth-century Britain. She teaches history of art, creative writing and criticism.
She has previously worked as a university research fellow, as a book editor, and as a magazine co-editor.